Today is a big day. 

Since the last election, our middle and youngest daughters have turned 18 and registered to vote. I went through the line in the early hours this morning with our youngest and watched her cast her vote alongside mine. I will go through the line again in a little while with our middle daughter, who is coming home from college in between class and work, to be with her when she casts hers. I did this with my oldest in the last election and it brought a feeling of joy and pride that I never expected.

There are a lot of things broken in our country but that list is short in comparison to all that is good in our country. Americans have a host of luxuries in the form of rights that most of us take for granted. Travel to any third world country and you will be quickly reminded.

It doesn’t matter which end of the political spectrum you like. Left, right, somewhere in the middle….just vote. Vote for the person who most closely represents what is important to you.

It’s not just a right. It’s a privilege.