a complete 180…

In the last 3 weeks, our life has turned around 180 degrees.  Rewind one month.  We were desperately hoping for a job offer and feeling like we were in the dark about our future.  Fast forward to today.  We now have a job, a rental house, a school district and most importantly, a plan!

The job search was exhausting.  The stress and worry was always there in the back of our minds wreaking havoc on our sleep patterns.  You try not to let it affect your life and your relationships but that is near impossible.  At least for us.

But I digress.  We are quickly settling into our new life.  Work is good.  School is good.  The house is good.

Basically, life is good!  We thank all of our family and friends for their love and support.  We couldn’t have done it without you.

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